7 Morning Yoga Poses For Beginners To Aid Weight Loss 


Downward facing dog is often one of the initial poses taught in yoga classes due to its significance in many yoga routines.

Adho Mukha Svanasana

Another preferred pose by Rayburn, this one effectively stretches the lower body while also opening up the chest.


Commonly found in sun salutations, this pose is beneficial for posture enhancement as backbends are effective in counteracting prolonged periods of sitting.


This dynamic pose is excellent for building strength in the legs, arms, and core.


This empowering posture enhances both balance and strength. Utilizing a yoga block can be helpful if reaching the fingertips to the ground is challenging.

Utthita Parsvakonasana

Ideal for hip opening, this widely practiced yoga pose focuses on the lower body and offers a superb stretch.

Eka Pada Rajakapotasana

In addition to improving balance and coordination, this standing yoga pose prioritizes posture and alignment.
