7 Major Nestle Controversies

Rishika Baranwal

Controversies That Made Headlines

Nestle makes yummy treats we all know, but they've also been in hot water a few times.

Sugar in Baby Food

Nestle's Cerelac for little ones has more sugar than many think is healthy. Not a good start for tiny tummies!

Maggi Noodle Ban

Remember the Maggi ban a while back? They were found to have more lead than allowed, so they had to take them off the shelves for a bit.

Not-So-Healthy Choices

An inside look at Nestle showed many of their snacks and drinks might not be the healthiest. 

Breastfeeding Battle

In the past, Nestle was accused of trying to get moms to stop breastfeeding and use their formula instead.

Child Labor Concerns

There have been reports that Nestle might be using child labor to grow cocoa beans for their chocolate.

Water Woes

Nestle taking too much water in dry places isn't a good look. Plus, all that plastic packaging from their bottles is a big pollution problem.

More Than Just India

These problems aren't just here! Nestle has faced issues like these all over the world.

What's Next?

Nestle says they're working on fixing these problems, but it's up to us to stay informed and choose what we buy carefully.