7 Largest Forests In The World


Amazon Rainforest, located in South America is the largest tropical rainforest in the world consisting collection of different plant and animal species.

Amazon Rainforest

It is located in Central Africa and is also known as the Central African Rainforest covering around 3.7 million square kilometres of land.

Congo Rainforest

It resides in northern New Guinea, creatures like the the tree kangaroo, long-beak echidna, and the flying fox all consider the New Guinea Rainforest their home.

New Guinea Rainforest

This forest is spread across Argentina and Chile and is an amalgamation of deciduous and evergreen trees.

Valdivian Temperate Rainforest

Taiga Forest which is also known as the boreal forest found in the chilly subarctic zone. Taigas are found in Siberia, Scandinavia, Canada, and Alaska.

Taiga Forest

Residing in southeast Alaska, the United States Tongass National Forest is home to numerous rare and endangered plant and animal species.

Tongass National Forest

Located in South-west Germany bordering France, the Black Forest is a mountainous region famous for its beautiful villages, and large, evergreen woods.

Black Forest