7 Island No One Can Visit


Diego Garcia is part of the British Indian Ocean Territory and is home to a U.S. military base. Access to the island is restricted for security reasons, and it is not open to the public

Diego Garcia

The Farallon Islands, located off the coast of San Francisco, California, are an important wildlife sanctuary. Due to the sensitive ecosystem and the protection of marine life, public access is restricted, and only authorized personnel are allowed to visit for research and conservation purposes

Farallon Islands

Gruinard Island, located off the northwest coast of Scotland, was used for biological warfare experiments during World War II. The island was contaminated with anthrax, and it was uninhabitable for decades. While the contamination has been largely addressed, access remains restricted to prevent any potential risks

Gruinard Island

Poveglia is an island in the Venetian Lagoon near Venice, Italy. It has a dark history, having been used as a quarantine station for the bubonic plague and later as a mental institution. The island is closed to the public, and visiting is strictly prohibited


Surtsey is a volcanic island off the coast of Iceland that emerged from the sea in 1963. It is a UNESCO World Heritage site and serves as a natural laboratory for the study of ecological succession. Access to the island is restricted to scientific research to minimize human impact


Located off the coast of São Paulo, Brazil, Snake Island is home to a critically endangered species of snake, the golden lancehead pit viper. Due to the high concentration of these venomous snakes, access to the island is restricted by the Brazilian government

Ilha da Queimada Grande

North Sentinel Island, part of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands in the Bay of Bengal, is home to the Sentinelese people, who have had little contact with the outside world. The Indian government has declared the island and its surrounding waters off-limits to protect both the inhabitants and potential visitors

North Sentinel Island