7 Indian Foods for Smoke Detox

Rishika Baranwal

Your Smoke Detox Companion

In the quest to detoxify from smoking, Indian cuisine offers powerful allies. Here are seven foods to aid your journey


Rich in curcumin, it fights inflammation and repairs cells.

Green Leafy Vegetables

Spinach, kale, and fenugreek provide essential nutrients for repair and immunity.


Packed with Vitamin C, it neutralizes smoking-induced free radicals.


Its compounds aid lung cleansing and reduce inflammation.


Aids detoxification and eases quitting-related discomfort.


Stimulate liver detox and provide Vitamin C for cell repair.


Supports respiratory health and overall detoxification.

Enhance Your Recovery with These Indian Foods

Incorporate these foods to support your body's recovery from smoking. Remember, combine them with healthy habits and seek support for a successful smoke-free life.