7 Hidden Natural Wonders


Occurring during violent volcanic eruptions, friction between volcanic gases and ash particles generates electrical charges, resulting in lightning.

Volcanic Lightning

Found in Death Valley National Park, California, these rocks leave long tracks behind them as they mysteriously move across the desert plain.

Sailing Stones

A waterfall in Antarctica cascading red liquid, colored by iron oxide-rich saltwater seeping from a lake beneath a glacier.

Blood Falls

Tall, needle-like formations in cold, high-altitude environments. They form when the top layer of snow melts in bright sunlight and refreezes at night.


Bioluminescent plankton in the ocean glows blue or green at night, creating a rare and unforgettable sight.

Bioluminescent Waves

A mysterious phenomenon where glowing spheres of electrical energy appear during thunderstorms, varying in size and color. Its behavior remains not fully understood by science.

Ball Lightning

Circular formations of ice that appear in slow-moving water, often in cold climates. They form when ice crystals gather and spin slowly, creating a perfectly round shape.

Ice Circles