7 Foods You Should Have For Better Blood Circulation 


Pomegranates are juicy fruits that are high in nirates and polyphenol antioxidants and it also helps in improving blood flow. 


Garlics helps in lowering blood pressure by relaxing blood vessels because of the sulfur componds present in it. 


Presence of nitrates in beetroot helps in relaxing blood vessels and increases the flow of blood . 


Mackerel and Salmon are two good examples of fatty fish which are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids which reduces blood pressure. 

Fatty Fish

Curcumin is the compound that is found in turmeric, helps improving blood circulation and  open blood vessels. 


Leafy greens like kale, spinach, cabbage, collard greens are rich in nitrates helps in improving blood vesels. 

Leafy Greens

Oranges, pomelo, grapefruit and lemons are rich in antioxidants which includes flavonoids that help reduce blood pressure. 

Citrus Fruits