7 Foods To Eat Before Workout

Bananas are a great source of easily digestible carbohydrates and provide potassium, which can help prevent muscle cramps


Oatmeal is rich in complex carbohydrates, fiber, and provides a steady release of energy during your workout


 Greek yogurt is high in protein and contains carbohydrates, making it an excellent choice for sustained energy

Greek Yogurt

 A slice of whole-grain bread with a source of lean protein, like turkey or chicken, provides complex carbohydrates and protein for energy and muscle repair

Whole Grain Bread

 Blend fruits like berries, a banana, or mango with Greek yogurt and a source of protein like protein powder or nut butter for a quick and easily digestible pre-workout snack

Fruit Smoothies

 Lean protein sources like chicken or turkey can be consumed with complex carbohydrates and vegetables to provide steady energy and support muscle recovery

Chicken or Turkey

 Brown rice is a whole grain that offers a balance of carbohydrates and fiber for long-lasting energy

Brown Rice

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