Janvi Singh

7 Foods That Contain Cancer-Causing Agents

(like bacon and sausages): They include nitrates and nitrites, which may lead to the formation of cancer-causing nitrosamines.

Processed meats

When exposed to high heat during cooking, they can form cancer-promoting compounds called HCAs and PAHs.

Red meat

Consuming alcohol frequently and in large amounts is associated with various forms of cancer, such as liver and breast cancer.


The high heat involved in deep frying can generate acrylamide, a suspected carcinogen.

Fried foods

Pickled foods

 Rich in nitrates and nitrites, which may turn into carcinogenic nitrosamines.

Smoked foods

Include PAHs and nitrosamines that result from the smoking procedure.

Sugary drinks

Can lead to weight gain, which in turn, raises the chances of developing several cancers.