7 Foods That Are Rich In Vitamin C 


Kakadu plums have the highest concentration of Vitamin C, it is rich in polyphenol also known as ellagic acid. 

Kakadu plums 

Chilli peppers are high in vitamin C and boost immunity. It is also rich in vitamins A, B, E and K.

Chilli Peppers

Adding Guava to your diet will help improve your health in a great manner as it is rich in vitamin C and potassium. 


Mustard spinach is not only rich in vitamin C but also in vitamin K and dietary fibres.

Mustard Spinach

Vitamin C in lemon acts as an antioxidant. Lemons also contain other nutients like vitamin B6 and potassium. 


Lychees (litchis) are a good source of vitamin C, copper, rutin, and epicatechin. 


It is a juicy fruit that contains vitamin C, and some amount of the enzyme bromelain which helps aid protein digestion. 
