7 Feng Shui Plants To Bring Positivity At Home


Aloe Vera is believed to dispel negativity and foster positive energy. Place it in the kitchen or living room to enjoy its air-purifying benefits and positive influence

Aloe Vera

ade Plant is associated with prosperity and good luck. Position it near your entrance to invite wealth and success into your living space

Jade Plant

Symbolizing love, beauty, and fertility, orchids bring a touch of luxury and positive energy. Enhance the romantic and peaceful atmosphere in your bedroom by adorning it with orchids


Acknowledged for its ability to absorb negative energy and foster positivity, the Snake Plant is well-suited for various rooms

Snake Plant

With its air-purifying attributes, the Peace Lily is linked to tranquility and harmony. Placing it in the bedroom or living room fosters a serene ambiance and positive vibes

Peace Lily

Renowned for its air-purifying capabilities and wealth-attracting traits, the Money Plant is a favored choice in Feng Shui.

Money Plant

Symbolic of prosperity and good fortune, Lucky Bamboo is thought to usher in positive energy and harmony. Place it in the east or southeast corners to reap wealth and health benefits

Lucky Bamboo