7 Fascinating Animals Found in Pakistan


Populating forested areas of northern Pakistan, including the Himalayan foothills, Red Deer are among the largest deer species globally.

Red Deer

While rare, brown bears are found in the northern forested regions of Pakistan, primarily inhabiting remote mountainous areas.

Brown Bear

Kovalam Beach is one of the most popular beaches in Kerala. It's known for its golden sands, clear waters, and laid-back atmosphere. Kovalam is a great place to relax, swim, sunbathe, and enjoy some Ayurvedic treatments.  

Kovalam Beach

Residing in freshwater habitats like rivers, lakes, and marshes in Pakistan, the Marsh Crocodile is among the largest crocodile species globally.

Marsh Crocodile

Thriving in rocky, mountainous areas across Pakistan, the Chukar Partridge is recognized for its distinctive call and popularity among hunters.

Chukar Partridge

Inhabiting forested regions of northern Pakistan, including the Himalayan foothills, the Asiatic Black Bear is a shy and elusive species.

Asiatic Black Bear

Native to the deserts of Pakistan, the Pakistani Sand Cat thrives in arid environments, notable for its distinctive large ears.

Pakistani Sand Cat