7 Famous Mango Varieties Found In The World 


This Indian variety is known as the "King of Mangoes" due to its exceptional sweetness and flavor.


Another famous Indian mango, the Kesar is known for its vibrantly colored peel that can range from green to yellow with a red blush.


This Mexican mango is known for its intense sweetness and creamy texture. It has a bright yellow skin with a slight red or pink hue and a small seed.


This Florida-grown mango is known for its large size and vibrant red skin. The flesh is a bright yellow and is sweet and slightly tangy.


This Australian mango is known for its oblong shape and green skin with red and yellow speckles. The flesh is a deep yellow and is sweet and juicy.


This Florida-grown mango is known for its long shelf life and resistance to disease. It has a green skin with a slight yellow blush and a sweet, slightly acidic flesh.


This Thai mango is known for its oval shape and yellow skin with a green tinge. The flesh is a pale yellow and is sweet and slightly tart.

Nam Dok Mai