7 Dog Breeds Banned In India 


Fila Brasileiro Known for its extreme athleticism and exuberant tail-wagging, the Fila Brasileiro is considered one of the least trainable breeds. Renowned for aggressiveness and a voracious nature, these dogs are not recommended for participation in pet shows and may pose challenges in domestic settings

Presa Canario Hailing from the Canary Islands, Spain, the Presa Canario is a massive fighting dog weighing around 200 pounds. Its inherently aggressive disposition makes it unsuitable for domestication.

Boerboel Originating from South Africa, the Boerboel served as a farm dog, excelling in defending against threats such as hyenas, lions, and other large predators. While these dominant pups make excellent watchdogs, proper training is essential to prevent them from becoming dangerous

Wolf dog Possessing a contentious and challenging reputation, the Wolf dog inherits its formidable nature from the genetic combination of wolves and dogs. However, this very characteristic makes them challenging to domesticate, as their needs and behavior can be unpredictable and demanding

Neapolitan Mastiff These massive dogs, with males reaching weights of up to 200 pounds, require individuals in Romania to undergo a psychological evaluation to keep them as pets. Their aggressive tendencies, especially as they mature, make them less suitable for households with children

Bandog It's important to note that due to the potential fierceness inherited from its parent breeds, Bandogs may not be suitable for domestication in urban areas with breed restrictions

American Bulldog This breed, a more streamlined and elongated version of the English Bulldog, is well-known for its robust physique and high energy levels, making it adept at both guarding and hunting. Despite its friendly and amiable nature, the breed is often perceived as fierce