7 Delicious Suji-Based Desserts


A type of pancake made with semolina, milk, and vegetables. It  can be served sweet or savory.

Suji ka Cheela

A broken wheat porridge flavored with lemon and jaggery. It is a  healthy and refreshing dessert.


A Maharashtrian dessert made with semolina, milk, ghee, and sugar. It  is typically served warm.


A dense, fudge-like halwa made with semolina, ghee, nuts, and  sugar.

Suji Halwa

Indulge in a creamy and refreshing ice cream made with semolina, milk, and your favorite flavorings like vanilla or fruit.

Semolina Ice Cream

Prepare a creamy and aromatic rice pudding alternative by simmering semolina with milk, sugar, and aromatic spices like cardamom and saffron.

Semolina Kheer

Bake a light and fluffy cake using semolina flour, yogurt, and a hint of lemon zest for a delightful dessert that pairs perfectly with tea or coffee.

Semolina Cake