7 Countries With The Longest Working Hours

Samridhi Garg


Mexicans work some of the longest hours globally, averaging over 2,100 hours annually, driven by economic demands and a strong work ethic.

South Korea

Known for its intense work culture, South Korea sees workers averaging around 2,000 hours per year, reflecting the competitive job market and rapid economic development.


In Greece, workers average about 2,000 hours annually, driven by economic challenges and the need for multiple jobs to meet living expenses.


Chilean workers put in long hours, averaging nearly 1,980 hours per year, with a strong emphasis on hard work and productivity.


With an average of 1,910 working hours annually, Israelis work long hours, balancing a high-tech industry and traditional sectors.


Russian workers average approximately 1,980 hours per year, with long working hours seen as a necessity in both urban and rural areas to sustain livelihoods.


Polish workers average around 1,920 hours annually, reflecting the country's strong work ethic and economic transition.

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