7 Cat Breeds With Stunning Black And White Fur

Saurav Gupta

Turkish Van

Known for their love of water, Turkish Vans sport black and white fur, often showcasing the signature "van" markings on their heads and tails.

Maine Coon

Gentle giants with majestic appearances, Maine Coons can exhibit striking black and white fur, complementing their friendly demeanor.

British Shorthair

With plush coats and round faces, British Shorthairs exude regality, especially when adorned in black and white fur.


Renowned for affectionate nature and striking blue eyes, Ragdolls showcase their beauty with the addition of black and white fur.

Norwegian Forest Cat

Enchanting in black and white, Norwegian Forest Cats captivate with tufted ears and bushy tails, enhancing their natural charm.

Scottish Fold

Adorable in black and white, Scottish Folds stand out with their unique folded ears and playful personalities.


Hailing from Russia, Siberians look majestic in black and white, featuring thick fur and a robust build.