7 Best Ways To Consume Tulsi Leaves On An Empty Stomach 

Divya Pandey

Start You Day With Tulsi 

In Ayurveda tulsi leaves also called Basil leaves have long been acknowledged for their therapeutic qualities.

Helps In Weight Loss 

This is a simple drink that tastes delicious but it also works wonders for colds, cough and sore throats epecially in children.

Tulsi Powder 

The leaves' powerful oils and chemicals are extracted by drying, crushing and boiling them.

Chew On The Leaves 

Chew directly on soft Tulsi leaves on an empty stomach, as an alternative to popping tables. Antioxidants and anti inflammatory qualities abound in these leaves.

Basil Juice 

Juice from a handful of crushed Tulsi leaves is extracted. Blend it with a glass of water and enjoy the revitalizing beverage.

Mint And Lemon 

Bring a burst of freshness to your morning by boiling Tulsi leaves with mint and a squeeze of lemon

Soaked Tulsi Water 

To Freshen up your day soak some Tulsi leaves in a glass of water for the entire night.