7 Best Hair Masks For Faster Growth And Stronger Roots


The presence of protein, potassium and amino acids in avocado will help your hair get rid of damage and dryness.

Avocado Hair Mask 

Applying a Banana hair mask will prevent your hair from breakage and help in hair growth. 

Banana Hair Mask

Onion juice is a very common home remedy that will help you get voluminous and long hair. It contains hair-friendly minerals like sulphur and potassium. 

Onion Juice Hair Mask

The presence of lactic acid in yoghurt will nourish your hair and prevent your hair from frizziness. 

Yogurt Hair Mask

Fenugreek (Methi) is a common home remedy for preventing scalp infection and hair growth. 

Fenugreek Hair Mask 

Eggs are packed with several vitamins and minerals that will prevent hair loss and also help in regrowth of your lost hair. 

Egg Hair Mask

Shikakai and Amla both are rich in vitamin C, antioxidants and minerals that will promote hair growth.

Shikakai And Amla Hair Mask