Janvi Singh

7 Apple Cider Vinegar: The Dos

Always dilute ACV in water (1-2 tablespoons per 8 ounces) to protect your teeth and esophagus from potential damage.

Dilute Before Drinking

 Opt for organic, unfiltered, and unpasteurized ACV that still contains "the mother" for maximum health benefits.

Choose Organic, Unfiltered ACV

Consuming ACV before meals has been shown to aid digestion and help control blood sugar levels.

Drink Before Meals

Dilute ACV before applying it to your skin to prevent irritation, commonly used for treating acne and other skin issues.

Use Topically with Caution

Rinse Mouth Post-Consumption

 After drinking ACV, rinse your mouth with water to safeguard your tooth enamel.

Start Small and Increase Gradually

Begin with small doses to gauge your body's tolerance and increase slowly over time.

Discuss with Your Doctor

Consult your healthcare provider before starting ACV, particularly if you have any health conditions or are taking medication, to ensure it's safe for you.