7 Animals With the Longest Lifespans on Earth

Bowhead Whale

Bowhead whales are known for having one of the longest lifespans among mammals, with some individuals living over 200 years

Galapagos Giant Tortoise

The Galapagos giant tortoise is famous for its long lifespan, with some individuals exceeding 100 years

Greenland Shark

The Greenland shark holds the title for the longest-living vertebrate, with some individuals thought to live for more than 400 years

Ocean Quahog

The ocean quahog, a type of clam, is one of the longest-lived animals on Earth. Some individuals have been found to live over 500 years

Koi Fish

Koi fish, a popular ornamental fish, can have impressive lifespans, with some individuals living over 200 years. Proper care, a suitable environment, and good nutrition contribute to their longevity

Asian Elephant

Asian elephants have a relatively long lifespan, with individuals in captivity living up to 80 years. Lifespan in the wild can be shorter due to various environmental factors and threats

Aldabrachelys gigantea

Similar to the Galapagos giant tortoise, the Aldabra giant tortoise is known for its long lifespan. Some individuals in captivity have surpassed 100 years, with their wild counterparts likely reaching similar ages

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