7 Animals That Live Near Volcanoes


Found in the coastal regions of southern Africa, including areas with volcanic activity, these penguins have adapted to life in both warm and cool environments. They may inhabit coastal areas near active or dormant volcanoes

Jackass Penguin

Marine iguanas, especially those found in the Galápagos Islands, are known to inhabit volcanic landscapes. They have adapted to feed on algae in the intertidal zone and can endure the harsh conditions of volcanic islands


The Nene, the state bird of Hawaii, is found in volcanic areas like the slopes of Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea. It has adapted to the harsh conditions of the Hawaiian volcanic landscape


The axolotl, a neotenic salamander, is native to Mexico and is associated with ancient volcanic lakes like Lake Xochimilco. These unique creatures remain in their aquatic larval form throughout their lives


The Hawaiian hoary bat is the only native land mammal in Hawaii and is found in various habitats, including volcanic areas. It roosts in trees and feeds on insects, adapting to the unique ecosystems of volcanic islands

Hawaiian Hoary Bat

Native to the high-altitude volcanic mountains of Mexico, the volcano rabbit is adapted to the alpine meadows and forests near volcanic peaks. It is one of the world's smallest rabbit species

Volcano Rabbit

Various species of lava lizards are found in volcanic regions, particularly in the Galápagos Islands. These small reptiles have adapted to rocky landscapes and can often be seen basking on volcanic rocks

Lava Lizard