7 Animals That Don't Sleep


It may sound unusual, but it's a fact: newborn dolphins refrain from sleeping for a month after birth, and even their mothers remain awake during this period.


Bullfrogs, known for their vigilance, can respond to stimuli while awake. They undergo a period of 'brumation' annually, a form of binge sleeping following extended periods without sleep.


With the scientific name Tachymarptis melba, these birds exhibit remarkable migration patterns, capable of flying continuously for up to 200 days without rest.

Alpine swift

Bluefish, also recognized as Snapper or Tailor, are highly migratory and move seasonally along the US Atlantic Coast. During migration, they forgo sleep altogether.


Butterflies, despite their beauty, don't sleep; instead, they enter a state of torpor resembling sleep, characterized by a slower heartbeat and reduced body temperature.


Killer whales, scientifically known as Orcinus Orca, spend their initial months without sleep, prioritizing body warmth. As they mature, they adopt regular sleeping patterns.


These remarkable creatures can function throughout the day with only five minutes of sleep.
