Camels can survive in extremely hot weather and are built to withstand scorching temperatures.
Generally found in the Sahara desert, Fennec Foxes have thick furs that protect them during cold desert nights and have large ears that distribute heat throughout the body.
Desert tortoises have developed their habit of surviving in extremely hot weather by burrowing themselves beneath the ground to hide in extremely arid environments.
The deathstalker scorpion, a species of scorpion is very much adapted to desert life and has a reflective exoskeleton that helps manage its body temperature and can underground to cool down its body.
The sidewinder snake has a unique sidewinding motion that lessens its contact with hot desert sand.
Kangaroo Rats are generally found in North American deserts and are nocturnal which results in avoiding the heat of the day by staying in in underground and cool burrows.
Gila Monster are venomous lizards native to northern Mexico and the southwestern US and have thick and scaly skin and are nocturnal which helps them survive in the desert and hot temperatures.