7 Animals That Are Not Loyal 


Possessing an exceptionally potent venom, their stings can induce swift and severe cardiovascular collapse, leading to fatalities in humans

Box Jellyfish

Beyond their irritation factor, these tiny insects are notorious for transmitting lethal diseases like malaria, dengue, and Zika, contributing to millions of human fatalities annually


Renowned for their aggressiveness, these animals are responsible for more hunter deaths in Africa than any other large species

Cape Buffalo

While rare, instances of polar bear attacks on humans underscore their potential danger, given their formidable size and strength

Polar Bear

Despite their diminutive size, these frogs pack potent toxins that can induce paralysis or even prove fatal

Poison Dart Frog

Generally known for their docility, these majestic creatures can turn perilous when threatened, causing more human deaths in Africa than any other large mammal

African Elephant

Highly territorial, these creatures have been involved in numerous attacks on humans, often resulting in fatal outcomes

Saltwater Crocodile