7 Animals Sporting Multiple Sets Of Teeth

Saurav Gupta


Manatees use grinding teeth for breaking down aquatic plants, eliminating the need for biting teeth.


Grazing enthusiasts, kangaroos are among the rare mammals with multiple sets of teeth, aiding in their diverse plant-based diet.


Elephants boast huge molars alongside their growing tusks, crucial for grinding the plant material constituting their diet.

Bearded Dragons

Bearded dragons showcase a unique combination of polyphyodont and monophyodont teeth, aiding in their consumption of vegetation and insects.


With around 100 teeth, geckos constantly shed and replace their teeth every 3-4 months.


Beyond fangs, certain snake species also possess thin, breakable teeth, adding to their dental intricacies.

Alligators and Crocodiles

Despite powerful jaws, alligators and crocodiles regularly replace their teeth due to weak enamel, crucial for their carnivorous lifestyle.