6 Tips To Protect Your Eyes During Holi


Here are some tips to protect your eyes in the festival of colours

Protect Your Eyes

Ensure your eyes are shielded during Holi festivities by wearing protective eyewear such as sunglasses, safeguarding them from direct exposure.

Protective Gears

Apply under-eye cream before and after participating in Holi celebrations, and ensure to cleanse your hands beforehand.

Under Eye Cream

Avoid touching your face while indulging in Holi festivities, and thoroughly cleanse your hands after handling colors.

Wash Your Hands

If you wear contact lenses, remember to remove and store them safely before engaging in Holi activities.

Avoid Contact Lenses

Opt for herbal colors over chemical-based ones, or even create your own natural colors at home to steer clear of harmful chemicals.

Use Herbal Colours