6 Healthy And Easy Tiffin Ideas For College Students

Rishika Baranwal

Quinoa Salad

A protein-packed quinoa salad with colorful veggies and a zesty lemon dressing. Easy to prepare and great for a quick, filling meal.

Greek Yogurt Parfait

Layer Greek yogurt with fresh fruits, granola, and a drizzle of honey. It’s a sweet, satisfying snack that’s also packed with protein and fiber.

Veggie Wraps

Whole wheat wraps filled with hummus, fresh veggies, and a sprinkle of feta cheese. Roll them up for a crunchy, nutritious lunch on the go.

Chickpea & Spinach Curry

A hearty chickpea and spinach curry that can be made in advance and enjoyed with brown rice or whole-grain naan. It’s both filling and full of flavor.

Egg Muffins

Baked egg muffins with spinach, tomatoes, and cheese. These can be prepared in bulk and are perfect for a quick breakfast or snack.

Fresh Fruit & Nut Mix

A mix of your favorite fresh fruits and a handful of nuts for a quick, energy-boosting snack. Easy to pack and perfect for those long study sessions.