Ashana Sinha 

5 Reasons Why Papaya Should Be Your Go-To Fruit For Fat Loss

Low In calories

Papaya's high water content and low calorie density allow you to eat a satisfying amount without consuming too many calories.

Better Digestion

Papaya contains papain and chymopapain, enzymes that aid digestion and may help break down trans fats.

Boosts Metabolism

Papain is a digestive enzyme found in papaya which is good for protein digestion. When papain accelerates the digestion process, the body’s metabolism rate increases.

Helps In Detoxification

Papaya is rich in natural fiber that help to detoxify the system and cleanse the colon.

Helps In Breaking Down Fat

Papaya is known as the world’s best fat burner. This delicious and highly nutritious fruit helps cut down extra fat.

Achieve Korean Glass-Skin With This Routine