5 Millet Flours For Healthy Cholesterol, Blood Sugar

Saurav Gupta

Pearl Millet Flour

Rich in dietary fiber, aids in lowering triglyceride levels and boosting insulin sensitivity, preventing diabetes.

Foxtail Millet Flour

Regular consumption helps reduce blood sugar, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels in type 2 diabetes patients.

Sorghum Millet Flour

Low-glycaemic index and high in fiber, stabilizes blood sugar, lowers cholesterol, and supports weight loss.

Barnyard Millet Flour

Low glycaemic index, slow digestion, and low carbohydrate content contribute to stable blood sugar and higher resistant starch levels.

Finger Millet Flour

Nutrient-packed with high calcium and potassium, improves blood sugar and cholesterol levels.


This information is general and not a substitute for professional medical advice.