A darkly comedic crime thriller, Andhadhun centers around a visually impaired pianist inadvertently entangled in the murder of a retired actor. The film's climax unveils a startling twist, leaving viewers to question the true nature of the protagonist's blindness
In this horror tale, a man embarks on a quest for a concealed treasure in the village of Tumbbad, Maharashtra. The film concludes with a spine-chilling twist, prompting contemplation on the protagonist's destiny
A coming-of-age drama, Udaan follows Rohan, a teenager expelled from boarding school, as he confronts his abusive and oppressive father upon returning home. The film concludes on an optimistic note, portraying Rohan pursuing his dream of becoming a writer
Centered on the disappearance of a 10-year-old girl, Ugly delves into the relentless search by her father and stepfather. The film ends with a grim twist, exposing the dark facets of human nature
Tracking Ruth, a British woman in search of her father in Mumbai, the film concludes with a shocking revelation about Ruth's paternal connection