5 Healthy Alternatives To Potato Chips


Instead of eating unhealthy fried potato chips, Here are 5 healthy alternatives you can try.

Healthy Alternatives

Kale, a powerhouse of nutrients, is an excellent substitute for potato chips due to its abundance of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Kale Chips

Dried and thinly sliced lotus stems provide a nutritious alternative to potatoes, offering a crunchy texture and unique flavor profile.

Lotus Stem Chips

Seed crackers made from a blend of flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds, and sesame seeds are rich in healthy fats, making them a wholesome snack option.

Seed Crackers

Flavorful and nutritious chickpeas, when seasoned with garlic and cumin powder, serve as a protein-packed substitute for traditional potato chips.

Roasted Chickpeas

Makhana, also known as foxnuts, presents a satisfyingly crunchy snack akin to popcorn, offering a healthy alternative to indulging in potato chips.

Spicy Makhana