6 Fascinating February 29 Facts That Will Amaze You


Leap Day, occurring every four years in February, balances our calendars with Earth's orbit, providing an extra day to maintain synchronization.

Leap Day

The practice of adding an extra day to the calendar every four years, known as Leap Day, originates from ancient Roman times.

Roman times

In certain cultures, Leap Year is celebrated as 'Bachelor's Day'. According to Irish tradition, women are encouraged to propose to men during this time.

Bachelor's Day

Individuals born on this day, often referred to as 'leaplings' or 'leapers,' only officially celebrate their birthdays once every four years.


The likelihood of being born on February 29th, often referred to as Leap Day, is 1 in 1,461, or roughly 0.068%.

Chances of being born On Feb 29

February 29th, or Leap Day, is added every four years to align our calendar with Earth's orbit around the sun, which takes about 365.242190 days per year.

Extra Day