5 Facts About Beer You Probably Didn't Know


Indulging in a cold mug of beer on a scorching summer day can be incredibly soothing. Here's some intriguing information for aficionados of this beloved beverage.

Beer Facts

The origins of beer production date back to ancient times, with evidence suggesting that the Sumerians were brewing beer as far back as 4,000 BCE.

Beer Fact #1

Historically, it's been proposed that women were the earliest brewers. Throughout much of documented human history, women played a significant role in crafting beer.

Beer Fact #2

Beer holds the title of the most widely consumed alcoholic beverage globally and ranks third in overall consumption, following only water and tea.

Beer Fact #3

The title of the oldest functioning brewery belongs to Weihenstephan Abbey in Germany, operating continuously for close to a millennium since its establishment in the 8th century AD.

Beer Fact #4

It's estimated that there are over 100 distinct beer styles worldwide, encompassing a vast array of major styles and their respective sub-categories.

Beer Fact #5