5 DIY Ayurvedic Drinks For Post Festivity Detox

Aloe vera is excellent for the skin, many of us have used it externally but, taken internally too this herb works wonders.Turmeric is a superfood and a potent immuno-modulator. Recipe- Fresh Aloe leaf, peeled and the yellow resin washed off, can be made into a drink of a gel- liquid consistency. To this is mixed a quarter teaspoon of turmeric. A spoon of honey can be added to make it more palatable

Aloe Vera + Turmeric

Take 1 tsp of each of cumin, coriander and fennel in 1 glass of water (you may add a pinch of turmeric in it for extra detox effect as turmeric is good for skin too along with gut). Boil these herbs for 5-7 mins, strain and sip on it slowly. It can be consumed daily 1 hour post meals (2-3 times/day)


Just take 1/4th cup of curd and add 1 cup of water in it. Then churn it well it churner or blender. Remove the froth accumulated on the top and your buttermilk is ready. Add spice mix (cumin, pepper, salt, Hing, etc) in it and your super tasty and digestion promoting drink is ready


Amla is proven to reduce cholesterol and is the richest source of antioxidants. Recipe- Fresh amla about 5 to 7, de-seeded, crushed in a mixer grinder with a little water and strained. This will yield about 30 to 40 ml of juice. Mix it with a little honey. And drink it

Amla + Honey

To make ginger and lemon tea, you grate about 30 to 40 grams of ginger in a grater. After this, put about a glass of water on the gas and boil the water with grated ginger. When the water boils, turn off the gas and add the juice of one lemon to it

Ginger and Lemon Tea

A glass of warm water mixed with lemon juice and a pinch of pepper powder works wonders on an empty stomach. It helps in detoxifying and improving the digestive system

Lime Water With Pepper

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