10 WEIRDEST Drinks That Defy Imagination

Deer Penis Wine Embraced by sports aficionados in China, Deer Penis Wine is revered for its perceived medicinal properties.

Cow "Water" Derived from cow urine, adhering to Ayurvedic principles, certain Hindu groups advocate "cow water" as a remedy for ailments ranging from liver maladies to diabetes.

Panda Dung Tea Tea cultivated from panda dung is believed to offer a delightful and nutrient-rich profile, given that pandas absorb just 30% of bamboo nutrients.

BustUp Drink Kinohimitsu Japan's BustUp Drink, featuring Pueraria mirifica, touts natural solutions for various women's concerns, from menopausal symptoms to non-surgical breast enhancement.

Liquid Smoking Introduced in the UK in 2008, Liquid Smoking purportedly aids smoking cessation within a remarkably short period, one to four hours.

Peruvian Frog Juice A unique concoction from Peru, blending skinned frogs with bean broth, honey, aloe vera, and maca, creating a distinctively robust and throat-tingling beverage.

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