10 Tips To Take Care Of Your Plants During Summers


Morning watering prevents evaporation during hot months, ensuring water reaches roots.

Water plants early

Shield soil from sun with light-colored mulch like dried grass for longer moisture retention.

Light mulch benefits

Create shade with covers or cloths to cool plants, ensuring they are elevated.

Use shade covers 

Avoid over-watering: Heat causes over-watered plants to wilt and fosters bacterial and fungal growth.

Avoid over-watering 

Remove weeds weekly to conserve water and nutrients for desired plants.

Regular weeding

Eliminate standing water to deter mosquitoes and avoid overwatering.

Prevent stagnant water 

Place larger plants strategically to provide shade and protection for smaller ones.

Plant arrangement

Re-potting during extreme heat stresses plants; wait for cooler weather.

Avoid re-potting in heat 

Hold off on fertilizing stressed plants until they recover from heat stress.

Fertilize wisely 

Watch for signs like wilting, pale leaves, sunburn, or dropping flowers/leaves in heat-stressed plants.

Recognize plant stress