10 Things You Should Know About India's First RRTS (Regional Rapid Transit System)

The 17 km priority section of the Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut RRTS Corridor will be inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on October 20, marking a significant milestone in India's rapid transit system.

Inaugurated by PM Narendra Modi

The RRTS trains resemble metro trains in appearance, but they come equipped with unique features like overhead luggage racks, Wi-Fi, and mobile and laptop charging facilities at every seat. These additions cater to the convenience of modern commuters.

Metro-Like Trains with Unique Features

Responsible for overseeing the construction of the RRTS, the NCRTC plays a pivotal role in India's journey to establish its first-ever Regional Rapid Transit System connecting Delhi and Meerut.

National Capital Region Transport Corporation (NCRTC)

The ambitious goal is to make the entire 82.15 km Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut RRTS operational by June 2025. This timeline reflects the commitment to providing efficient transportation options for the region.

Operational Target by June 2025

Each train includes a premium class car with enhanced features, such as wider seats, extra legroom, and coat hangers. Passengers seeking a more comfortable journey can opt for this class.

Premium Class Car

The trains feature onboard vending machines, allowing passengers to purchase snacks, drinks, and other essentials during their commute.

Vending Machine Facility

The RRTS is designed with inclusivity in mind, providing designated spaces for wheelchairs and stretchers. This ensures a smooth and safe journey for persons with disabilities and those requiring emergency medical transit

Accessibility and Medical Facilities

Coaches are equipped with dynamic route map displays and emergency communication facilities. These features help passengers stay informed and ensure their safety during the journey.

Information and Safety

The trains have been meticulously designed and manufactured in adherence to international safety standards. They incorporate fire detection systems, both internal and external, to guarantee passenger safety.

International Safety Standards

 RRTS stations are designed to provide a seamless experience. Most of them are three to four stories high, accessible via lifts and escalators. These stations are a blend of modern architecture and functionality.

Modern Stations

The trains have been meticulously designed and manufactured in adherence to international safety standards. They incorporate fire detection systems, both internal and external, to guarantee passenger safety.

International Safety Standards