10 Most Savage Moments In Naruto

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Naurto used Rasengan for the first time and  everyone was shocked!

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Even Madara was stunned seeing Might Guy's full strength and acknowledged him. 

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Shikamaru took revenge of his master's death. He couldn't kill Hidan so he did the best possible thing, to bury him without killing. 

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OH! When the four Hokages were resurrected and Tobirama just lifts his finger and everyone in the room was already afraid of his powers. 

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All five Kages came together to fight Madara. Although they could not defeat him but the fight was everything we needed. 

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All we wanted was the reunion of Team 7  and we got it finally! 

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That time when Sasuke could see through  Naruto where confronted Nine Tails and nullified  all his chakra. 

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 Minato made a savage attack on Obito when he posed as Madara. And that scene was epic till date. 

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