10 Little-Known Yet Extraordinary Professions That You Must Know About!

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Professional Snuggler Some people hire professional snugglers to provide them with non-sexual physical affection and comfort.

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Odor Judge People employed as odor judges evaluate the effectiveness of deodorants, perfumes, and other fragrances

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Professional Whistler Some individuals make a living by whistling in commercials, music recordings, or even as a form of entertainment

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Pet Food Taster Quality control experts taste-test pet food products to ensure they meet safety and taste standards

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Professional Mourner In some cultures, people can hire mourners to attend funerals and express grief to make the ceremony seem more significant

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Gumologist These experts evaluate the texture, flavor, and quality of chewing gum for gum manufacturers

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Fortune Cookie Writer Writers create the messages inside fortune cookies that are often found in Chinese restaurants

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Professional Cuddler Similar to professional snugglers, professional cuddlers provide platonic cuddling services for clients seeking physical comfort