10 Habits Of a Confident, Successful Woman

Always keep your posture straight. Hold shoulders behind back and make sure to hold your head high.

Body Posture

Keep your feet close together while standing. Relax your knees while centering your weight on your lower body.

Put Your Weight On Lower Body 

Make sure to maintain eye contact while speaking. Keep the eye contact when others as talking as well. 

Eye contact

If you keep your torso directed towards the person you’re speaking to, it will make them percieve you as confident.

About Your Torso 

Using hands whie talking makes you look animated about the topic. Added with excitement and enthusiasm, it will make you look confident. 


Masking your imperfections will appear as insecurity. Instead of trying to hide flaws, accept them as part of who you are.

 Don't hide your flaws 

Embracing your flaws will make you what you are and will do away with your insecurity. It does not define your character.  

Erros don't define your character

Some words and phrases may undermine your confidence. It can possibly send a message about you that you are not.

Know what you are saying

You can find someone at work. You can ask a very confident co-worker to have coffee with you so you can pick her brain.

Initiate Conversation  

Do something that intimidates you. Go to a bar alone to make new friends. Try a new workout routine at the gym.

Do something that you always wanted to do