10 Dangerous Food Combinations You Must Avoid

Simran Rajpal

Milk and Fish 

Avoid combining due to differing temperatures affecting blood circulation.

Eggs and Bacon 

Separate high-protein foods for easier digestion.

Milk and Tulsi 

Maintain a 30-minute gap for colds and coughs.

Cheese and Cold Drinks

Avoid this combo for better absorption and digestion.

Milk and Fruits 

Don't mix with bananas or sour fruits per Ayurveda.

Ghee and Honey 

Use in 2:1 ratio; equal amounts not recommended.

Fruits with Meals

Consume fruits separately due to different digestion times.

Potatoes and Protein 

Separate to prevent digestion overload.

Tomato with Cucumber 

Avoid mixing in salads or yoghurt due to digestion issues.

Jaggery and Curd 

This combo may lead to weight gain and worsen coughs.