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10 Amazing Space Mysteries,  Check Out

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There May Be A Multiverse There are other planets besides the Earth and two trillion galaxies besides our Milky Way. It is logical to admit the idea that, in a certain space, there are many universes or parallel worlds.

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Alien Intelligence There have been many attempts to unravel the secrets of space, especially when it comes to the presence of other intelligent beings in the Universe.

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Dark Matter Outer space consists of only 5 per cent of it consists of baryonic matter, whereas what makes up the rest is still unknown. Presumably, 25% is dark matter.

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Dark Energy Dark energy was discovered by US scientists led by A. Reiss, B. Schmidt, and S. Perlmutter, in 1998 while studying the expansion of the Universe.

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Rectangular Galaxy Australian astrophysicist Lee Spitler, using the Japanese Subaru telescope, discovered the galaxy LEDA 074886 in the shape of a rounded regular rectangle.

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Fermi Bubbles An amazing phenomenon discovered in the structure of the Milky Way in 2010 with the help of the Fermi telescope is filled with mystery. These are two large, voluminous structures, outwardly resembling bubbles.

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Pulsars Pulsars are distant space objects that emit electromagnetic rays and pulsate at a high frequency.

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Dual Gravity Properties The secret of gravity lies in the paradox — an ordinary refrigerator magnet does not succumb to the law of universal gravitation.

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White Hole A curious, however hypothetical, space object is a white hole. The existence of a white hole remains a mere hypothesis.

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Quasars – The Rarest Object In Space This is a quasar — the brightest cosmic body in the universe. Quasars glow due to the gas that enters the black holes located in the centres of galaxies.