New Delhi: IAS officer Awanish Sharan shared a video on Twitter that shows a young duo holding a stray puppy by its hind legs and swinging it like a toy. We have seen several cases of animal cruelty in the past, but this video crosses all the limits and leaves a question mark on humanity.
The man even held the dog in front of some monkeys to frighten them off. The duo was seen flipping the puppy upside down and laughing. The video was shared with the caption, “Jaanwar kaun?”
The video has sparked a backlash, with internet users expressing outrage at animal cruelty in the comments section. One user recommended the IAS officer to take action instead of posting the footage online.
Netizens reaction
A user wrote, “Kindly take a note of this incident and please ensure public figures and genuine lovers like the above mentioned take stern steps and set an example”, another user wrote, “Horrible and sick”, and a third person wrote, “Sick.”
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