Chennai: A well-trained elephant of the Tamil Nadu Forest Department recently retired at the age of 60 after successfully serving in 99 operations. It was given a grand farewell by the forest rangers and other elephants at the Kozhikamuthi elephant camp.
Anamalai Kaleem’s 25-year-old mahout, Mani, said that his 100th operation was capturing a wild tusker named Karuppan who disappeared into the Sathyamangalam Tiger Reserve.
Supriya Sahu, State environment secretary tweeted the video of the elephant’s retirement while saying that it is a legend and people are thankful for his service.
Sahu wrote, “Our eyes are wet and hearts are full with gratitude as Kaleem the iconic Kumki elephant of the Kozhiamuttthi elephant camp in Tamil Nadu retired today at the age of 60. Involved in 99 rescue operations he is a legend. He received a guard of honour from #TNForest #Kaleem.”
Our eyes are wet and hearts are full with gratitude as Kaleem the iconic Kumki elephant of the Kozhiamuttthi elephant camp in Tamil Nadu retired today at the age of 60. Involved in 99 rescue operations he is a legend. He received a guard of honour from #TNForest #Kaleem
— Supriya Sahu IAS (@supriyasahuias) March 7, 2023
Kaleem was inducted from the Suspicious Transactions Reporting STR in December 1972 and trained at the Kozhikamuthi elephant camp by its mahout, Palanisamy.
After Palanisamy died, his nephew Mani took over as Kaleem’s mahout. Kaleem is not as tall as other tuskers, but has a long body and weighs nearly five tonnes. It is known for its bravery and strength.
Mani admires Kaleem for its ability to handle any situation calmly, even during the musth period, when elephants become aggressive.
Kaleem has participated in operations in states other than Tamil Nadu, including Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, and West Bengal.
Kaleem’s retirement brings an end to a remarkable career spanning five decades. Despite the emotional farewell, Kaleem’s contribution to wildlife conservation will be remembered.