Viral: Anand Mahindra’s Twitter post is going viral on social media, where he shares a video of a pet monkey watching videos on his phone. The video was first shared by a user named Jagdish Mitra, CEO of CanvasM.
In the video, one can see monkey watching videos on his owner’s phone. In the video, a dressed-up pet monkey sits on the bed with its human. While the woman lay on the bed watching the monkey, the animal began going through videos on his phone.
इस बेचारे को ऐसी ‘इंसानियत’ से बचाओ! (🙏🏽 @jagdishmitra )
— anand mahindra (@anandmahindra) April 7, 2023
The caption reads, “Is bichare ko aisee ‘insaniyaat’ se baachao.”
Netizens Rection
A user wrote, “When u hire someone Just for scrolling.” Another user wrote, “looks cute , though.” A third person wrote, “Waise sir insaano ki jindagi badiya hai ki jaanvaro?” A fourth user wrote, “Sir after 2014 even they have become tech savvy. We Indians should be proud. Humans evolved from them Now it’s our time to give them back.”