New Delhi: In a video, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates was seen riding an electric autorickshaw with the background song “Babu Samjho Ishare” from the film ‘Chalti Ka Naam Gaadi’. The billionaire posted the video to his Instagram account. He can be seen looking at himself in the vehicle’s mirror at the start of the video.
The video’s caption said, “What has three wheels, emits no pollution, and makes no noise? It’s known as the Mahindra Treo “The text supers on the video are read aloud. He also shares some of the three features, the wheeler’s saying, “We’re going to need to reinvent everything from agriculture to transportation to get on the road to a zero-carbon emissions world.”
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In a proper suit and tie, the billionaire drove through various roads. Gates appeared to enjoy driving the electric vehicle based on his expressions. Surprisingly, the video includes the song “Babu Samjho Ishare” from the film ‘Chalti Ka Naam Gaadi.
The caption reads, “India’s passion for innovation never ceases to amaze. I drove an electric rickshaw, capable of travelling up to 131km (about 81 miles) and carrying up to 4 people. It’s inspiring seeing companies like Mahindra contribute to the decarbonization of the transportation industry.”
“Chalti ka Naam Bill Gates ki Gaadi” So glad you found the time to check out the Treo @BillGates Now on your next trip’s agenda should be a 3-wheeler EV drag race between you, @sachin_rt and me…
— anand mahindra (@anandmahindra) March 6, 2023
In response, Anand Mahindra, Chairman of the Mahindra Group, invited Gates to a “three-wheeler EV drag race” alongside cricket legend Sachin Tendulkar. He took to Twitter and retweeted Mr Gates’ video. “Chalti ka Naam Bill Gates ki Gaadi,” Mr Mahindra wrote in the caption. @BillGates, I’m glad you took the time to look at the Treo. Your next trip should include a 3-wheeler EV drag race between you, @sachin rt, and me…”
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