In a bizarre incident, a lookalike of Indian cricketer Virat Kohli was spotted at protests in Bangladesh, sporting a Royal Challengers Bangalore (RCB) cap and chanting slogans. The doppelganger was filmed dancing on a friend’s shoulders and celebrating the resignation of former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Wajid. The video has gone viral, drawing widespread attention due to the striking resemblance to Kohli.
🚨King Kohli joins the victory celebration at the streets of Chattogram, #Bangladesh
— Zeyy (@zeyroxxie) August 5, 2024
The sighting of Kohli’s lookalike in Bangladesh follows a similar incident earlier this year in India. In January, another Virat Kohli doppelganger went viral in Ayodhya. This lookalike, wearing the Indian cricket team’s jersey, was mobbed by fans seeking selfies, and the video quickly spread across social media.
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The backdrop of the current protest in Bangladesh began as a student demonstration against the quota system for government jobs but escalated into violence. The unrest has resulted in over 400 deaths. Protesters breached Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s residence, leading to her resignation and escape from the country via a military plane.
Following Hasina’s ouster, Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus has been appointed as the head of the military-backed interim government. The transition marks a significant shift in Bangladesh’s political landscape amidst ongoing turmoil.
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