Bihar: In a bizarre incident, a 48-year-old man arrived at a hospital in Bhagalpur district tightly grabbing a venomous Russell’s Viper by its neck, after being bitten late Tuesday evening.
Prakash Mandal, a resident of Meerachak village, was returning from the banks of the Ganga river when the reptile bit his right hand, according to media reports. Wondering what happened next? He bravely caught hold of the snake and wrapped it around his neck before rushing to a nearby hospital.
The people present at the hospital recorded the bizarre incident, with many fearing that the snake might slip out of his hand, endangering their lives. Doctors and nurses asked him to let go of the reptile first before assisting him.
Watch The Video:
The video is from Bhagalpur. After being bitten by the snakeš , the man brought it with him to the hospital to help identify the species.
---Advertisement---The emergency response system at the public hospital looks far from satisfactory.
— Kumar Manish (@kumarmanish9) October 16, 2024
In the viral video, the man can be seen lying down on the floor tightly holding the snake as his treatment got delayed. He is currently being monitored closely, reports stated.