Viral video: In a shocking incident, a man was seen lifting a bike on his head while climbing up on a bus to store it on the carrier. Netizens were stunned by his sheer strength and are now calling him ‘Bahubali’. The viral video is on Twitter by a user named @umda_panktiyan.
लोगों को अपना परिश्रम संघर्ष लगता है और दूसरों का तमाशा।
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— उम्दा_पंक्तियां (@umda_panktiyan) July 29, 2022
In the 15-second clip, a man, who appears to be a daily wage worker, is carrying a motorcycle over his head as he climbs a ladder to place the vehicle atop a bus. And the man is certainly doing it without any special effects.
Needless to mention, the video went viral on social media with 137k views. It garnered tons of reaction from netizens. “Real life Shaktimaan” said one user. Another user wrote, ” what a powerful man”